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Home Internet Data Usage – FAQS

Data transfer – what it is?

Whilst you are online, everything is about transfer of data – thus, emails and web pages are basically a file that when you read or log onto, you are in essence downloading the file or transferring it to your screen so you can view it. If you watch a film or play a game online, these activities send data backward and forward in different amounts.

Home Internet Data Usage – FAQS

Why is there a set level of transfer of data in each package?

 When you are transferring data, you are using up bandwidth, and if a user in your area is using 000s of times more bandwidth than you or others in your area, this could cause you and the other networks to become affected. So, to make sure that everyone’s Internet connection is good and reliable, we have different plans that have various levels of service or usage.

What is the reason for charging extra data transfer charges for use beyond the included amount of data transfer?

If a network usage is uneven, for instance a small number of people use a greater proportion of the networks bandwidth – extra resources are needed to manage the network to ensure that all the network users are able to use the Internet based on their service packages.

Thereby, it seems fair that the heavier users give more to cover the additional resources that are needed to satisfy their extra network usage. Thus, different levels of internet service each with different amounts of data transfer are set and they have reasonable prices for any extra data transferring usage past these levels.

How are these included data transfer amounts established?

It is a fact that these included data transferring amounts for each level of service are based on the bandwidth usage which is required to carry out an optimizing of the network for every user. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the amount included is sufficiently high so that most users and customers would not get even close to the limit and the cut-off point so they could utilize the Internet without worrying about the data usage. In effect, the included transfer sum for every service level should be set rather above the average usage for over 99 percent of the customers.

What is considered to be the amount for a data usage transfer?

Every action that happens over your Internet link requires some form of data to be transferred, and so does downloading/uploading from any of your devices that are connected to your internet connection.  

What if there are several users in a household?

Usually, only the usage of data transfer at the level of the Internet service account is tracked. The track use for each individual on a certain account cannot be tracked. Thus, if everyone in the house is utilizing the same service, then all the data is counted in the total account usage.

Does Internet activity get tracked?

The answer to that is negative. In fact, the amount of data being transferred is the only activity being tracked, rather than the contents of the data or any concrete activity on the Internet.

What may be causing the data usage to be very high, or a mismatch of the days online?

If you have a number of internet users in the house that use the same account, all internet activity will be added. So it could be that the other users in your house are the cause of the account usage.

If you are using a Wi-Fi router, it may be the case that it is incorrectly secured and that another user outside of your house could be accessing your Internet connection through the unsecured router and this could be adding to your usage.

There is also the possibility that there is a virus or a malware on your computer that is causing the additional usage, so make sure your PC is virus free and regularly updated.

What is the data transfer total for the usual online activity?

Every activity on the Internet is distinctive, but these are some average sizes of file for a better understanding what data usage can be:

-online gaming (average per hour): 15 to 30 MB

-standard definition film: 2 GB

-digital photo (average): 5 MB

-song file (average): 4 MB

-email (average): 59 KB

-web page (average): 130 KB

-digital photo (average): 5 MB

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