
Facebook’s Live video as a growth hacking engine

For those of you who haven’t heard of Facebook’s live video, check out the live map. Essentially, Facebook enables a live stream for all users, both private and businesses.

The live video opportunity

Well, since this is a (relatively) new feature to Facebook, and one that is doing well, Facebook is pushing hard for it. That means that a live video will get more organic exposure than any other post format out there.

In some tests I did, the organic reach (meaning, the number of Facebook users who were exposed to the live video without putting any budget into it) was in the thousands, while any other form of post got just dozens.

Live video

How can marketers benefit?

First, set up your live video feed. Then start broadcasting instead of just sharing text or images (or “offline” video). You should see an increase in reach, as well as engagement metrics.

What to watch out for:

Your broadcast is a professional one, so you need to look the part.

  • Plan and rehearse the broadcast as much as possible
  • Get a good camera (or a decent smartphone at the very least)
  • Make sure that there will be minimum interference (close your office windows so no noise or gusts of wind come through, etc.)
  • If possible, let your audience know of the live stream and invite them in advance to maximize the effect
  • Check your schedule: if go head to head against a major event (a sports event, elections etc.), you’ll probably lose. If you broadcast in the middle of the night you won’t have much audience.

Feel free to share your success stories, we’d love to hear them!

Originally published on my site: www.eyaldror.com


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