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Book: Efficient R Programming

This is the online version of the O’Reilly book: Efficient R programming

To build the book:

  1. Install the latest version of R
    • If you are using RStudio, make sure that’s up-to-date as well
  2. Install the book dependencies.

    ## Make sure you are using the latest version of `devtools` ## Older versions do not work. devtools::install_github("csgillespie/efficientR")

  3. Clone the efficientR repo
  4. If you are using RStudio, open index.Rmd and click Knit.
    • Alternatively, use the bundled Makefile



Colin Gillespie is Senior lecturer (Associate professor) at Newcastle University, UK. He has been running R courses for over five years at a variety of levels, ranging from beginners to advanced programming. His research interests are high performance statistical computing and Bayesian statistics.

Robin Lovelace is a Research Fellow in the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, which specialises in the handling of large datasets. Robin has 5 years using R for academic research and 3 years teaching R at all levels. Robin developed the popular tutorial Introduction to Visualising Spatial Data in R and authored Spatial Microsimulation with R Lovelace and Dumont (2016). Robin has used R on mission-critical contracts, including the creation of a nationally scalable interactive online mapping tool for the UK’s Department for Transport (DfT) (see www.pct.bike).


Lovelace, Robin, and Morgane Dumont. 2016. Spatial Microsimulation with R. CRC Press. http://robinlovelace.net/spatial-microsim-book/.

Table of Contents:



1 Introduction

2 Efficient set-up

3 Efficient programming

4 Efficient workflow

5 Efficient input/output

6 Efficient data carpentry

7 Efficient visualisation

8 Efficient performance

9 Efficient hardware

10 Efficient collaboration

11 Efficient learning


         A Package Dependencies


The book is available, here.

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