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Dimensional Modeling in the Age of Big Data and Hadoop

This article was written by Uli Bethke.

The full title is “Dimensional Modeling and Kimball Data Marts in the Age of Big Data and Hadoop”. 

Dimensional Modeling in the Age of Big Data and Hadoop

Is dimensional modeling dead? Before I give you an answer to this question let’s take a step back and first have a look at what we mean by dimensional data modelling.

This long article has the following sections:

  • Why do we need to model our data?
  • Why do we need dimensional models?
  • Data Modelling vs Dimensional Modelling
  • So why do some people claim that dimensional modelling is dead?
  • The Data Warehouse is dead Confusion
  • The Schema on Read Misunderstanding
  • Denormalization revisited. The physical aspects of the model.
  • Taking de-normalization to its full conclusion
  • Data distribution on a distributed relational database (MPP)
  • Data Distribution on Hadoop
  • Dimensional Models on Hadoop
  • Hadoop and Slowly Changing Dimensions
  • Storage evolution on Hadoop
  • The verdict. Are dimensional models and star schemas obsolete?
  • Complementary Reading on Dimensional Modelling in the Era of Big Data

To read the full original article (and to learn more information about Kimball Data Marts) click here. For more dimensional modeling related articles on DSC click here.

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