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Digital Twins: Machine Learning & AI

Summary:  Digital Twins is a concept based in IoT but requiring the skills of machine learning and potentially AI.  It’s not completely new but it is integral to Gartner’s vision of the digital enterprise and makes the Hype Cycle for 2017.  It’s a major enabler of event processing as opposed to traditional request processing.

Digital Twins: Machine Learning & AI

If the concept of Digital Twins is new to you, you need to be looking way over to the left on Gartner’s 2017 Hype Cycles of Emerging Technologies.  There between Quantum Computing and Serverless PaaS you’ll find Digital Twins with a time to acceptance of 5 to 10 years, or more specifically that by 2021, one-half of companies will be using Digital Twins.  In fact Digital Twins is one of Gartner’s Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends for 2017.

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