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DevSecOps: Top Best Practices

9049742283The efforts to find means and solutions to enable safe and quick development of software have led us to the doorstep of DevSecOps. But what is it exactly? Well, to put it simply, the integration of security into DevOps practices is what one now calls DevSecOps. The premise is this: You integrate monitoring, testing, and reporting into the continuous development pipeline. This, then, results in quick feedback loops about the security levels of your infrastructure. What is the point, you ask. Well, it is to make sure that security-related issues are identified early on instead of them being found after the product has been released in the market.

So, that is the gist of what DevSecOps is and what it endeavors to do. Next up is a quick list of some of the benefits companies and development teams stand to gain from the adoption of DevSecOps to help you gain a better perspective about this new development strategy.

  1. Cost savings: Since security issues are determined and addressed during the development phases, one can save considerable amounts of money that would otherwise be needed later to fix such problems.
  2. Improved auditing: The better levels of auditing that come with DevSecOps means you can improve your ability to find threats, thus minimizing the risk of breaches, attacks, etc.
  3. Robust infrastructure: It helps companies ensure the quality and strength of their infrastructure. Such robust infrastructure, in turn, helps with better security.

Now that we know how one can benefit from it, let us know also share some of the best practices to help you glean the most value out of DevSecOps.

  1. Staff training: To truly glean value out of your DevSecOps program, it is imperative to train and upskill your staff. It is also important to ensure that this training is based on critical factors such as the business€™ expectations, requirements, and goals, its standards, etc. To ensure the efficacy of this process, you can engage the services of a specialist to impart required training to your staff.
  2. Compliance: Unlike what a lot of people believe, ensuring compliance with the requisite regulations doesn€™t always have to be a document-based endeavor. Another way to go about it is via metadata that demonstrates the required compliance and then integrating said metadata into the proper assets. You could also use this method for automation of security policy, tagging assets that can execute the security plan, architecture, etc. that you need.
  3. Security: To validate all code for being in sync with the latest security recommendations, it would be a good idea to establish an event-based process to identify any issues. And remember, all and any changes that one may make to the code must be tested and validated against such recommendations for safeguarding the code.

As you can see, the DevSecOps approach to programming and development is decidedly beneficial for all parties involved. One stands to gain a reduction in compliance costs, accelerated timelines, better levels of transparency across the board and so much more. If you too wish to realize these benefits with this advanced approach, we reckon a good place to start would be to find a trusted name for DevOps services and solutions.


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