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Data Science report reveals a confident market for 2019

Throughout 2018, we conducted an online survey of Data Science professionals across Europe. This has led to a fantastic response, garnering over 800 participants from students to C-level across Data Science. The report delves further into salaries and benefits, industry sectors, technical skills and more.

It’s no secret that Data Science is a candidate driven market. We’re still seeing a skills gap as more companies expand their Data Science and Machine Learning efforts. This has, for years, led to higher salaries for those with the relevant skills that companies most desire.

The report reveals that a large percentage, 68%, of respondents claiming that finding a new job would be easy. This is of course, not very surprising given the heightened demand for them. It’s important that hiring companies recognise this and address it in their recruitment strategies. The top reason for Data Science professionals seeking new work is higher earning potential elsewhere for a second year in a row, showing that they’re extremely confident in their approach to navigating their careers.

With this, we can see a shift already developing in the number of people getting into Data Science in recent years.

From all respondents, 30% stated they have 2-3 years’ experience. Following the Big Data boom a few years ago, it’s no surprise we see a spike here. Compared to the number of those working in the market with 4-9 years’ experience, we see the number decrease by almost half. This is a great signifier for what could be to come within the market. As more businesses than ever before are adopting Machine Learning within their business strategies, we’ll need ever increasing numbers of professionals to hire into these roles. Could the market not be all that talent-short for much longer?

Overall, there are some promising statistics in this years’ report, and I’d invite you to get your copy of the full report here.  You can also have your say in next year’s report here

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