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Cybersecurity and Remote Work


Some years ago, freelancers comprised a separate category of workers. Nowadays, the situation has changed, and remote employees have grown in number considerably. The reasons behind this trend are different: some prefer to work at home, others do not like the office atmosphere, etc.

A new challenge emerged with a working trend: the need for cyber protection on remote work. And while many are Googling Norton product comparison to pick the right software, few freelancers understand the critical threats related to cybersecurity.

There are various ways of operations. Some companies provide their workers with all possible means of digital protection. Other organizations act differently: they collaborate with freelancers from diverse corners of the world. This article uncovers the threats the second group’s remote workers may face and examines how to prevent these.

Why Need Antivirus: Major Threats

A professional antivirus software presupposes more than just guarding against viruses. Here are some significant challenges that can spoil not only your working day but life in general:

Engineered Malware

In addition to sly viruses, you are likely to face such a problem as malware. Modern hackers are continually looking for ways to infect your system and try to produce malware that can undermine any computer’s functionality. Malware is also the most common issue among users. Cybercriminals make you install a malicious application or software, using false websites and harmful emails. 

Hacking through social media

You use social media websites nearly every day. Some swallow up more of your time; others are not that appealing to you. However, the fact is clear: you share personal information, follow the links, and communicate via social media a lot. 

Cybercriminals may send you requests from non-existing people and create sham online business sites to collect information. In the first case, they imply stealing your identity while gathering some of your sensitive data in the second case.

Password phishing

You may have heard about phishing – stealing your passwords by different means. Frequently, hackers send harmful spam emails. Such digital letters look like trustworthy ones and replicate the true ones. 

Yet, asking for confidential data (specifically, using a password for registration), cybercriminals will collect your information. Interestingly, some spam emails may even include a warning regarding a potential fraud inside the letter.

Digital Hygiene

In addition to having a durable protective system, freelancers should keep an eye on personal digital hygiene. Following simple rules, everyday actions will soon become habits. Below, you can see some of the effective recommendation connected to your technological behavior:

Keep skeptical attitude

Your inattentiveness and careless behavior is bread and butter for cybercriminals. Whenever you follow a suspicious link, press ‘Yes’ in a user agreement, and register on a doubtful website of the online store – hackers are behind the curtains and wait for your misstep. Your task is to question everything and remain skeptical of whatever you do online. Some threats are out of the league for specific antivirus software.

Stick to the rules of righteous Internet behavior:

  • Imagine that you have a powerful antivirus program. It is great! However, it would not be enough if you ignore the following rules:
  • Your password should be well-thought, long, and strong. It is better if you do not use the same password for social media, mail, and some other websites – be original and creative. If it is hard for you to memorize many passwords, you may use variations of the same one or purchase a password manager tool. Still, the best way to store information safely is to keep it in your head.
  • If you mention some emails you were not expecting to receive – it would be better to ignore. First, it can include harmful malware; secondly, you do not miss anything if you delete it as long as you do not expect to see it. Remember that even if you open it, this can damage your computer and the entire system. Thus, if you see something suspicious – just make away with it.
  • When you receive a message from an unknown person and contain a link – do not rush into opening it. First, hover over that suspicious link: you should see whether that link corresponds to the intended destination. Again, it would be better to Google the website first: whether it exists and is there any discussion about its safety.
  • Do not forget to update your software and antiviruses. The more you postpone the update, the more chances that you would be attacked.

Think about firewall installation

Firewalls are critical for offices; however, remote workers require it not less. Think about your private environment as your personal office that needs to be protected. Firewalls are vital for guarding against harmful software; the program operates as a shield and barrier. Some computers come with an embedded firewall – this is not enough, and you should understand that it is less effective than licensed software.

VPN usage

Many companies resort to the usage of VPNs, and you also should. Such a tool ensures high-class security as you work with wireless networks. A robust VPN program masks your PC’s real IP address; therefore, it might be troublesome for cybercriminals to disclose your location. As a result, your VPN disguise protects against identity and sensitive information theft.

Backup plan for your data

Backing up your data, you can prevent a complete loss of information. So, your choice is relatively simple: you can sustain temporary inconvenience and win, or you can lose everything and remain without work for months. Cybercriminals use ransomware attacks to hold up the needed data until you do or give them what they want. It is better to prepare yourself for a similar situation in advance and back up your data.

With all the mentioned threats and possible losses, remote workers can make sure that cybersecurity is vital, mainly because all their work depends on the Internet and online communication. Following the rules of electronic hygiene, you can prevent lots of cyberattacks. Thus, create new digital habits and keep safe.

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