
Best Practices in Data Migration & Cleansing

In developing global businesses practices, many corporate houses are adapting better technological solutions and systems. This mandates smooth data migration from older to newer systems while maintaining data integrity. Many organizations face tough time in migration initiatives due to complicated and sluggish procedures owing to IT issues. 

Most of the data migration efforts are challenging as well as time consuming due to inherent nature of such an undertaking. When moving from one system to another, the data also needs to be converted into other format. This requires fairly skilled professionals with considerable experience who can understand the organizational requirements and posses the requisite technical know –how for implementing and completing necessary data migration processes.

In this regard, the data migration providers or enterprise data management – edm solutions providers have established best practices for efficient and smooth data transfer across the systems. Whenever enterprises change technologies, a lot of legacy data needs to be converted in a new format, this also involves lot of data cleansing. Be it an ERP System or well-known CRM’s all need a considerable data cleansing through the migration process, before the legacy data import can be carried out in a new system. Thus, knowing what ID’s that must be preserved and important stacks of legacy data before data cleansing is one of the key factors in data migration best practices.

Having established the important pointers in legacy data, the planning and choice of migration methodology is the next step for enterprise data migration. It requires careful and upfront planning prior to jump-start the migration process. Appropriate upfront planning helps to shorten the duration of migration process as well as reduce the business impact and risk. A well designed data migration plan reduces application downtime cuts down on the performance degradation and offsets data corruption losses.  These basic steps in best practices must be followed even within a single tier data migration.

In order to identify quality rules and discriminators, data profiler is used to find and analyze the critical problem ends. These records are cached and cleaned as they are migrated. Migrations require a lot of time and that is why, the timing selected to carry out data migration process is critical. Generally, they are carried out at “off peak time”. Then the final stage requires that workforce and customers are prepared for the switch. This is done through remainders or training sessions on new systems if required. 


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