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All New and Improved Intelligent Calendar for Salespeople: The Salesforce Inbox Calendar

We are aware of that fact that businesses today are thriving in a hyper-connected sales environment. The representatives are naturally forced to dig out data from disconnected applications. The apps that they use range through CRM interfaces, social media, email and even Outlook calendars. They gather information from such multiple disparate sources so as to progress or close a deal.

A recent study by CSO Insights revealed that sales representatives have to search through 15 or more data sources to fish out business critical or relevant information pertaining to a single prospect or customer. Such sales team end up wasting close to 70% of their productive time on tasks, that are not related to core selling. This impacts their productivity TATs as well as affects the overall business bottomline of the organization.

But the core fundamental of a sales cycle outlines that any sales rep has to focus on selling. Similarly, a sales manager has to showcase positive sales performance, after measuring the productivity of his or her team. This is exactly where the Salesforce Inbox steps in. It creates a win-win situation for sales reps and managers by quickly logging communications from the inbox. This empowers managers to better data at every single step of the customer lifecycle.

Introducing the Salesforce Inbox Calendar

This unique application empowers sales reps to sell in a smart way and be more productive in the long run. By extending the power of Salesforce Inbox with calendar, Salesforce is giving reps everything they need in one place to close more deals faster. Salesforce Inbox Calendar intelligently maps relevant Salesforce data to every meeting invite and seamlessly integrates with Salesforce1, allowing reps to update existing records and review past communication right from their mobile calendar. Salesforce Inbox Calendar will enable reps to sell smarter with the following innovations:

What does it do anyway?

Salesforce Inbox Calendar is the new and improved intelligent calendar from the house of Salesforce. It has been designed exclusively to cater to the needs of sales personnel across the globe. This brainchild from Salesforce, which is already a reigning Customer Success Platform or CRM solution as well as billion-dollar software services company, has taken the entire sales landscape by a storm.

Till date, the popular Salesforce Inbox has been a hit among global sales teams. Being an intuitive email application, it possesses the capability to transform the inbox of a given Sales Cloud user into an advanced CRM application. This clever ability of Salesforce has been extended into its calendar functionality.

For the records, the Salesforce Inbox Calendar surfaces relevant sales folders or records on a given appointment. This enables representatives to boost their productivity on the context and extract maximum possible benefit out of every meeting. 

Features of the app

  • Meeting wise CRM records: Calendar invites are enriched with pertinent customer data sourced out of Salesforce.
  • Superfast sync integration: The Lightning Sync integration will let reps sync every calendar events to Leads and Contacts automatically in the Sales Cloud. This will help them save time on administrative tasks as well as ensure that all updates are recorded.
  • One-Click conference calling: A smart one-click conferencing participates with industry leading conference calling services. So reps need not toggle back and forth for numbers and passcodes.
  • Smarter Workflows: The new Meeting Notes lets sales reps log a meeting and attach notes in Salesforce with the help of Quick Record Creation.

The interesting and steadfast Salesforce Inbox Calendar will be made available by October 2016 as a part of the Salesforce Inbox license, without any additional cost. It will surely make the lives of global sales reps easy, which will allow them to be productive. This supercharged feature will not only map relevant Salesforce data intelligently, as well as send out meeting invites. Hence, using it, sales reps will be able to spend more time with prospects and customers, and eventually, they will be able to close more deals successfully.


William Hills is a technical writer at JanBask. He loves writing and sharing topics on Salesforce Consulting, Salesforce Integration Services, Salesforce Lightning, Salesforce Application Development, CRM solutions, Salesforce implementation, Java application development, Salesforce Support Services, cloud computing solutions and latest trends going around in web world.

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