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AIOT Summit – Personal Invitation

Dear colleague,

I would like to personally invite you to attend a unique and interesting conference: AIoT Dev Summit which I believe is an exciting step forward in Data Science and the application within AI/ML and IoT.  The summit will take place in California on December 2nd and 3rd and as my guest you will receive a $250 discount when combined with the early bird special if you register by November 10th.  To get additional details and to register click here: https://dsc.news/AIOT19DSC and enter this code: AIOT19DSC

I hope you can attend and if so, please let me know if you’d like to meet up while at the event. Topics covered at this event include

  • Intelligent and Autonomous Machines
  • AI from Development to Deployment
  • IoT – From Edge to Cloud

Below are some of the keynote speakers.


See you there,

Vincent Granville

Co-Founder, DSC

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