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A Pivotal Year for Data Scientists- 2020

Data scientist remains to be one of the best jobs in 2020.

According to McKinsey, the US will be facing a shortfall of 250,000 data scientists by 2024. Though the jobs market is in constant change, a data scientist job still hits the top list. With many organizations looking for professionals adept in data science skills, a data science career is an ideal choice.

Why learn data science in 2020?

Companies worldwide are generating data. Not to forget the fact, they’re also undergoing a digital transformation. Organizations engaged in traditional business processes like marketing, hiring, business strategy, and pricing calls for making them dependent on technologies ten times faster. Thus, data science becomes a crucial part of these transformations.

Therefore, organizations will no longer rely on surveys, hunches or best-guesses to make business decisions. Instead, they now have the capability of analyzing data based on real data and facts. This is what the actual data science is – creating real value through data.

Thus said, businesses are looking to transform their workforce by employing individuals adept with the current data science skills.

A few of the top data science job roles include machine learning engineer, data analyst, database administrator, data engineer, statistician, business analyst, data architect, and data and analytics manager. Once the individual decides their field of expertise, they can easily shift to any one of the job roles.

More why’s?

  • There’s a huge demand for a data scientist

2020 projects to be a great year for data science professionals. This year promises to be a year where data science will be simplified to no code or low code technologies. With the emergence of advanced AI used in enterprise companies are looking to bet more on insights-driven from AI and machine learning.

Despite the shortage of professionals with specialized skillset companies are extensively looking for data scientists to join their organization.

  • As the IBM report states, there will be a 30% growth in data science jobs. In short, the estimated figure says to be around 2,720,000 by the end of 2020.
  • In another report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 11 million jobs are expected to be created by 2026.

Earning data science careers has open doors to new opportunities for data scientists in private sectors as well as in the government. Some of the well-known domains are aviation and airlines, healthcare, cyber-security, automotive, genomics, e-commerce, and software development.


Some of the great companies to work for include names like Facebook, Amazon, Uber, and Microsoft. Besides these companies, you can also look for data science jobs in startups, this will help you gain hands-on experience. Doing so allows you to look for better opportunities.

Fat paychecks

A data science professional in the U.S. is said to earn USD 118,790 per annum, based on Glassdoor analysis. Money is not a constraint for the right talent, however, the challenge is to find one.

Other job roles with the salary range: –

  • Business intelligence manager – USD 105, 832
  • Data architect – USD 100, 118
  • Business intelligence architect – USD 99,299
  • Data engineer – USD 95, 936
  • Business intelligence developer – USD 84, 043
  • Business intelligence consultant – USD 81, 341
  • Business intelligence analyst – USD 71, 050
  • Business analyst – USD 65,991
  • Data analyst – USD 62, 379

Top places in the US with the salary range: –

  • Washington DC – USD 105,975
  • Massachusetts – USD 112,059
  • California – USD 142,338
  • Texas – USD 101,208
  • Illinois – USD 106,135
  • Pennsylvania – USD 103,995
  • Maryland – USD 117,345

Most of the salary structure depends on the cost of living differences and some of these places are driven through demand for data science professionals.                                                                     

Future-proofs your career

The modern workforce requires individuals who can work closely with technologies and who can solve complex problems.

There can be a lot of discussion and commotion on whether the data science field will sustain in the market. While doubt prevails, the data economy is here to stay and will not cease until the foreseeable future. Moreover, for a data scientist, the demand will keep accelerating as much as a top-down reasoning approach that is applied to the data.

Data scientists will always be in demand because of their skills that overlap in mathematics as well as business. 

It goes without saying for individuals looking to grab a data scientist job to have an extensive skill set and hands-on experience in the field. The best data science certification program will come in handy while seeking jobs.

Strictly speaking, a degree might help you enter the field but it is not efficient enough. Having an additional value to your degrees will be an add-on.

If you’re looking to stay constant in the modern jobs market, you’ll have to keep updating your skillset. Investing in the latest technology skill set is worthwhile for any tech profession. Being a data scientist, you should stay alert, stay up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies, stay abreast of the latest happenings in the business market, understand the environment you’re working with, and stay focused.

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