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7 NoSQL Databases You Must Consider for Your App Project in 2020

With the growing demand for scalability and flexibility, NoSQL databases are gaining huge momentum in the market. These databases are preferred as the first choice to develop complex web and mobile applications and operate with unstructured data. A ripple effect of which is that the NoSQL market is anticipated to hit $4.2 billion by the end of the year. 

This has made both new and experienced database administrators and data scientists turn towards the NoSQL databases and see which one to pick as an alternative to SQL relational databases.

Considering you to be one of those, we will be listing down the 7 best NoSQL databases in this article, followed by the way to pick the right one.

But firstly, let’s refresh our memories by seeing what advantages does NoSQL databases offer.

Benefits of Introducing NoSQL Databases

  • Store heap of data that might not have a structure. NoSQL databases do not restrict the type of data that can be stored. Aka, it enables databases to store both structured, semi-structured, and non-structured data in one place. And that too without defining the data type in advance.
  • Speed up the development process. Another advantage of going with a NoSQL database is that it lets the database administrator (DBA) make frequent changes in the data structure or develop in rapid iterations.
  • Reap the benefits of cloud computing and storage. These databases also make it easier for one to share data across multiple servers.
  • Elevate horizontal scalability. NoSQL databases follow the CAP (Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance) theorem such that two of the three properties can be used concurrently. By regulating these properties in favour of strong partition tolerance, one can enjoy high-end horizontal scalability.

With this covered, let’s move to the core part of the article, i.e, the best NoSQL database to introduce in your app project.

Top NoSQL Databases to Watch Out for in 2020 (& Beyond)

1. MongoDB

The foremost NoSQL database to introduce in your mobile app development process is MongoDB. 

This open-source document-oriented database is written in C++ and employs a JSON-like structure for data storage. It is user-friendly, scalable, secure, and comes with the functionality to make faster transactions.

Also, it aids backend developers with an opportunity to integrate third-party services into their applications. And that too without relying upon any boilerplate code that could affect the security level.

2. Apache Cassandra

Used by reputed brands like Twitter, Facebook, eBay, Netflix, and Cisco, Apache Cassandra is yet another NoSQL database to watch out this year.

It is a free and open-source distributed key-value NoSQL DBMS that provides higher scalability, enhanced performance, availability with no single point of failure and the facility to handle a heap of data across different commodity servers. Something that makes it a perfect platform for projects associated with mission-critical data. 

3. Apache HBase

Another NoSQL database that can cater to your needs is Apache HBase. 

Introduced in the market in 2008, this open-source, non-relational distributed database is written in Java and modelled after Google’s Bigtable. It enables database administrators and data scientists to store both unstructured, semi-structured and structured data easily and effortlessly. It is horizontally scalable, offers the possibility to integrate with various security tools like Atlas and Ranger, and is the best choice for Big Data-related projects.

Now, as you might have noted, both Apache Cassandra and HBase are availing window to deal with a bundle of data. This is what has made it necessary for developers to look into the HBase vs Casandra comparison before picking the one.

4. CouchBase

CouchBase is yet another notable addition to the list. 

It is an open-source NoSQL key-value and document database management system that comes with a built-in cache, flexible data model, higher performance level, and full support for documents. Because of this, it is highly preferred for creating social mobile applications, online gaming platforms, e-commerce portals, and enterprise solutions.

5. Redis

Redis (Remote DIctionary Server) is yet another NoSQL database prevailing in the market.

It is an open-source, single-threaded, networked, in-memory store that offers high performance and key-value structure. And is highly popular as the fastest NoSQL database by reputed brands including Pinterest, StackOverflow, Snapchat, and GitHub.

The database is written in C++, but one can use it with various other programming languages, including Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala.

Additionally, it is highly preferred for mobile applications and platforms influenced by the power of analytics.

6. Neo4j

Neo4j is an unconquered leader in the graph database market and again, one of the best NoSQL databases to use in the year 2020.

Since its inception in 2007, the database is providing efficient services of storing entities and relationships, optimizing graph-related activities such as clustering, traversals, and shortest-path calculation.  

7. Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is one of the best NoSQL databases that can be considered for non-relational database management. 

Unlike traditional SQL databases, it is designed to arrange all the relevant data within one single object, while enjoying support for random access patterns. It does not provide the option to ‘rollback’, join table, or perform complex searches. But, is an apt choice for Node.js or any other JavaScript-based application development process – all thanks to its JSON structure.

Besides this, the database is also a good fit for graph, documents, or columnar data structure type.

Now as we know the different options available in the market, let’s wrap up the article by looking into what it takes to pick the right NoSQL database for your app needs.

How to Choose the Right NoSQL Database for App Development?

As you might have got an estimate from the aforementioned list, every NoSQL database is a better choice at one or the other point. So, the answer to which one is the right fit for your development environment depends entirely on what type of application you wish to develop. In other words, it depends on factors such as app performance, scalability, concurrency, fraud detection, data sharing, and much more.

So, it is advisable to consult your app needs with the experts before introducing a NoSQL database to your application development needs.

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