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6 Ways Internet of Things is Already Changing Everything around Us

  • JasonLi 

Connected devices, Smart City, home automation, e-health, Big Data … In recent years, the concepts of communicating objects have multiplied. In reality, they are all one facet of the same upheaval – the Internet of Things.

Cars can be driven without a driver, TVs are going online, and heating systems are activated automatically to the arrival of the residents. The Internet is making many processes in daily life easier. The Internet of Things, or IoT, which enable devices to communicate with people or machines, is actually working in many places in our daily life already.

Further reading:

For People: Web-Enabled Electronics 

If phone and computer without Internet access, they become unthinkable devices. Meanwhile, this is also valid for televisions and audio devices or cameras. New electronic products will not come without Internet in the future. For example, wearables are the typical types of Web-enabled electronic devices which are worn directly on the body for health monitoring, have become the next big trend in healthcare.

Further reading:

For Home: Smart Home 

Manufacturers not only produce Internet-enabled home appliances, but also care about apps and software portals. For example, Miele combines a range hood with the stove so that the fan motor is automatically adapted to the cooking process.

The smart home concept has created many great ideas – shutters can be controlled by smartphone, and lights and heats can be turned before you returning home from vacation. Germany’s digital association Bitkom assumed that there will be one million fully networked households by 2020.

Further reading:

For Transportation: Connected cars 

In a survey, the respondent indicated that the smartphone connection in the car was more important than a higher horsepower. In the world of connected cars, drivers, cars and infrastructures are all connected with each other, and are able to communicate among objects in the system in real-time to optimize routes and avoid accidents.

The concept of autonomous cars has taken the step further towards making self-driving cars. Major car manufacturers promised to produce at least one business model within the next five years.

Further reading:

For Community: Smart City 

In 2050, our planet will be different from today – There will be nine billion people live on it, 70% of them live in cities. This growing trend has not only significantly increased demands in cities, but also created great opportunities to improve efficiency of energy, material and human resources.

The Smart City concept was created to exploit these opportunities with aims to integrate information and communication in various technical systems of a city to promote innovative solutions for mobility, management and public safety in the city – in particular, electricity, water, gas, and goods.

Further reading:

For Agriculture: Digital Agriculture 

“According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, food production must increase with 60% to be able to feed the growing population expected to hit 9 billion in 2050. John Deere uses big data to step into the future of farming to help farmers achieve this ambitious target.”(Datafloq)

The networked agriculture can benefit in many places of databases and real-time monitoring – The balance of weather data with the plant growth data, and the complex structure of the forecasted demand and the current market.

Further reading: 

For Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 

Industry 4.0 represents the manufacturing future with IoT. High demands are made on the production of the future – you must be intelligent, changeable, efficient and sustainable. Industry 4.0 stands for the intelligent networking of product development, production, logistics and customer.

The Industry 4.0 Working Group define Industry 4.0 as “a network of autonomous, controlled situational itself, configure itself, knowledge-based, sensor-based and spatially distributed production resources (production machines, robots, conveyor and storage systems, resources), including their planning and control systems”.

Further reading:

Digital Industry 4.0 – It is All about the Manufacturing Future wit…

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