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10 Expectations from Devops in 2021 and Beyond


Software-defined services are increasing rapidly, and with this, the demand for DevOps has taken a new place in the tech industry. Implementing DevOps, that is, Development and Operations within the organization, allows companies to have a competitive edge in value and value management.

 DevOps allows teams to adapt to the changing market, innovate faster and work together to produce better and more reliable products and services. Statista predicts that DevOps practices across various organizations grew to 17 percent against 10 percent in 2017. 

A research study by Grand View predicts that the DevOps market will reach US$12.85 billion by 2025. This all reflects that the expectations are high since the time DevOps had been implemented a decade ago. And, now, when we are in 2021, the level of prediction continues to increase.

This write-up covers a few key themes around which the predictions revolve. Companies will accelerate their digital transformation, leadership, culture, and technologies like AI, ML will continue to disrupt both Dev and Ops. 

Lets’ see how DevOps will define business agility and maximize efficiency gains in security, analytics, automation, operations management, and development. 

1. Security 

CISOs will embrace DevSecOps methodologies 

CISOs (Chief Information Security Officer) will embrace Kubernetes, serverless, and other cloud-native technologies to embed security witoOps practices. Organizations are moving to the cloud as cloud technology helps businesses deliver new features efficiently, quickly, and frequently. 

Security teams will adopt cloud-native security to ensure that the deployment becomes easier and fast. Henceforth, embedding security within DevOps practices has become an essential part of a firm. 

Intelligent Cybersecurity will replace the age-old method of Cybersecurity 

Implementing security in a complex environment has been a struggling thing for the Devops and security team. With the new year, Cybersecurity has taken a new form replacing the cybersecurity dark ages. 

Both the DevOps and security team will be using the intelligent-machine-generated code that automatically builds secure infrastructure in minutes. With the help of agent-based scanning and manual orchestration tools, together with AI and ML, the team can build secure infrastructure. 

DevOps team will witness threat modeling 

The developers will be embracing the threat modeling in the year 2021, as security continues to strengthen the existing partnerships. Software security professionals in small and big organizations will be using threat modeling to change the security culture. 

2. Analytics and automation

Predictive DevOps will deliver business value 

The DevOps team needs to monitor the business rather than monitoring the application and software. Here is where the concept of BizDevOPs (Business, Development, and Operations) arises. 

Business uses DevOps to develop the software quickly, be responsive to user demand, maximize revenue, and deliver business value. They use AIOps techniques to provide continuous value improvements in the business.

Autonomous DevOps automation will continue to exist 

In 2021, DevOps automation will become the new normal as it will help in the automation of manual and error-prone tasks, thus resulting in greater productivity. Relying on advanced and autonomous techniques, DevOps will generate outputs in automated form across various stages and activities within the lifecycle. 

The automation in DevOps will allow the team to cut down their test automation time by augmenting digital applications and automating end-to-end user flows and testing. 

Reviewing code for better validation of post-code commits will join standard unit testing and human code reviews. It will help in identifying more complex security, functionality and performance issues. 

Analytics techniques will be adopted at every step in the software development life to make smarter decisions efficiently.

DevOps analytics technique will be applied and adapted at every single step in the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) to make an effective and smarter decision. It enables optimal business prioritization of the backlog items to increase customer satisfaction. 

It allows effective testing validation to decrease the risk and lesser time to resolve the application problems via proactive resolution and anomaly detection. This is possible by using various analytics techniques such as deep learning, NLP, machine learning, etc., across the value stream, including human and machine data. 

3. Operations Management 

DevOps in integration with AIOps helps in providing seamless operational feedback to decrease human involvement in operations management. Companies will now understand the true potential of AIOps for the DevOps tools chain and processes. 

CloudOps team within an organization will understand the importance of AIOps as it provides a layer of automation to tackle rising multi-cloud complexity. 

AIOps with DevOps leverages automated operational feedback from AIops tools that includes data consolidation and root-cause analysis. It ensures that the company can summarize the operational data and direct them to the developers for application improvement and the automated DevOps system such as testing, integration, and deployment.

The ultimate intention is to provide automated improvement of application operations without human intervention. 

4. Development

Teams within an organization often get mistaken between doing agile and being agile. And, this is termed as BADgile within a company. Successful DevOps team improves the end-to-end process to validate security requirements, validate quality standards and segregate duties across workflows. 

5. Value Streams

DevOps will enter into value delivery from product delivery. Not only the value delivery, but it will also expand to value stream delivery to bring a broader digital transformation. This will help in building a strong relationship between business stakeholders, aligning goals, and the delivery team. 

The company will measure the right business KPI such as transaction rates, customer satisfaction, and usage, followed by continuous adaptations in processes and technologies to improve them. 

Final Thoughts

With each passing day, the world is getting digitized and hence the need for devops services has increased over the recent years. 

With this blog, you get to know what DevOps is expecting in 2021 and beyond. The expectations will remove the barrier and ease out the constraints between business and customers so that your company could focus more on delivering values and not just features and products. 

So, don’t just wait and contact the best  DevOps solution company that will help your company reach heights in the field of Information technology. 








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