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DSC Webinar Series – Best Practices for Adopting Containers within your MLOps Process.mp4

  • Sean Welch 

With the release of SAS Container Runtime (SCR), organizations can execute models and decisions outside of SAS using standard technologies. Containerized deployments are lightweight to save on cloud costs, portable to enable easy movement across environments, and scalable to meet traffic needs. In this talk, we will discuss how IT and MLOps Engineering teams can create repeatable Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) processes to efficiently test and promote new models and decision flows using containers.

Sophia Rowland
Product Manager of MLOps/ModelOps at SAS. Previously, Sophia was a Systems Engineer focused on Data Science and ModelOps applications.

Glenn Clingroth
Principal Software Developer at SAS. Glenn focuses on MLOps and model integration technologies and he is one of the architects for SAS Container Runtime.

Alessio Tomasino
Principal Technical consultant at SAS and specializes on complex distributed software systems. He currently focuses on technologies in container and cloud computing.

Sophia Rowland-Product Manager, Glenn Clingroth-Principal Software Developer, Alessio Tomasino-Principal Technical consultant