Endpoint security is vital for cloud computing. Tracking and applying security protocols across the device is an ongoing process; regular checkups, in the form of audits and penetration testing, can keep your cloud security strong. As the healthcare sector and the rest of the world continues to become increasingly reliant on digital technologies, there has been an understandable surge in concerns about such technologies, including cloud computing. Cloud computing providers are in pursuit of increasing security. Still, healthcare organizations must understand that appropriate measures are in place and appropriate for sensitive workloads in line with compliance obligations.
This has spotlighted ensuring top-notch healthcare cloud security because it helps safeguard data and protects patients’ privacy, sensitive data, etc. Then there is also the persistent evolution of cloud computing technology, posing a certain degree of risk.
However, to better understand this subject, allow us to walk you through some of the key challenges associated with cloud security in healthcare:
- Dealing with the cloud’s complexity: Different types of cloud environments exist, each of which can give rise to a host of security challenges. Integrating a company’s legacy infrastructure with modern cloud solutions can make gaps susceptible to digital risks such as hacking.
- Compliance: It is not news that the global healthcare sector is subject to stringent regulations. However, compliance with these regulations does not necessarily translate into security. Such companies must ensure that their security capabilities keep pace with their evolving IT infrastructure.
- Third-party challenges: Yet another area of concern is third-party because companies rely on a vast network of third-party service providers, tools, software, etc., and while being on the cloud has been great for access, it has increased the element of risk associated as well.

Now, let us also take a closer look at the different types of cloud service models currently available in the market and the benefits they offer for healthcare companies:
- Software-as-a-Service: Instead of having the required software installed on a company’s server or data center, SaaS offers the required software to companies over the internet. How does it benefit healthcare organizations? Well, in many ways, including the ease it offers since the software is already configured and ready to go on a given company’s systems.
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service: As the name suggests, IaaS brings the fundamental computing resources, such as network, essential storage, servers, etc., required for an organization’s requirements, albeit as digital offerings.
- Platform-as-a-Service: PaaS, which includes everything IaaS offers plus a dedicated cloud environment meant for building and deploying apps, helps healthcare organizations safely develop cloud-based apps, albeit with fewer resources than they would need in case of the same technology stack were to be managed in-house. This is thanks to the fact that PaaS brings with it not only infrastructure but IDEs as well.
One must not forget that every type of cloud service necessitates a unique set of measures to achieve the desired levels of security. Unfortunately, figuring out what works best for which cloud service type may be a complicated endeavor; thankfully, there is always help.
So, suppose you ever find yourself looking for cloud security-related insights for your healthcare organizations. In that case, we recommend checking out the Cloud Security for Healthcare Services study published by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the Cloud Security Alliance’s Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing, or even the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Health IT Program. If you need expert help, you can always look for a trusted provider of services for cloud technology in healthcare.