Summary: This is the first in a series of articles aimed at providing a complete foundation and broad understanding of the technical issues surrounding an IoT or stream...
Overview “The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable” John Kenneth Galbraith Predictive modeling and traditional ratemaking is an...
This is a quick, short and concise tutorial on how to impute missing data. Previously, we have published an extensive tutorial on imputing missing values with MICE packa...
Source for picture: click here Python Theano is a python library for defining and evaluating mathematical expressions with numerical arrays. Keras is a minimalist, hig...
2014 was a watershed moment in Indian politics for a variety of reasons. The foremost one was the stupendous victory of the Narendra Modi led NDA in the 2014 Lok Sabha el...
This is a small selection from our webinar series, featuring cases studies, IoT and machine data, Hadoop and distributed architectures, visualization and story telling, p...
Internet of Things is touted with the potential to glean new insights and efficiencies by tapping into massive streams of data from sensors and machines. Driven by indust...
This article was posted by Bethany Cartwright. Bethany is the blog team’s Data Visualization Intern. She spends most of her time creating infographics and other v...
CIO recently published an article that highlighted a survey that was revealing. The survey, conducted in April and May, included 150 executives, from large companies of ...
Summary: What changes in your analytics and Big Data stack would you have to make if you only had 10 milliseconds to make a decision? There’s an entire industry tha...